Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Jim Knubel's article in TJN recaps some points made over the weeks here about the press-burst spewed by local Democratic party notables last month, talking about an "Independent Safety Assessment" at Indian Point. One spot where Knubel and I disagree, is when he asserts that all the Demo-clique members want to simply close Indian Point. If and when positive press can be gained by spouting a "Shut it down" line, I'm sure any one of these professional issue hoggers would say exactly what would help them the most, in the public eye.
I find the fact that they are NOT saying "Shut it down" very telling.
The public wants the benefits of having Indian Point on line, and our savvy politicoes are aware of this want, based on an undenied general need. However, having been elected partly via the efforts of paid green and NIMBY groups, the Dems are hoist on the horns of a service dilemma.
If they appear to serve the public, they lose their partisan support.
If they serve the activists, they lose, bigtime, for the region and the public at large.
Their Solution?
Call for Alice in Wonderland to step in.
By banding together to demand an unneeded and obsolete ISA, they can appear reasonable to the public, while at the same time appearing to their contributing activist foundations to at least be "punishing the demon".
It's PR magic. They get to do nothing, and look green doing it.
What is truly needed, is a re-assessment of the Luddite myth-mongering cartel that has been employing long term paid PR hacks to cook up astroturf pseudo-grassroots "concern", spewing distortions, and attempting to set society against itself, to benefit their purely private no-nukes agenda.
Democratic researchers might start with the names Helene Heilbrunn Lerner, Alice Slater, G.R.A.C.E., Tamarind Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation, along with Amsterdam Based N.I.R.S./WISE. A veritable crap-storm of fear-drenched nonsense has been put on the street for at least a decade by these oligarchs-in-camouflage, pawning their social-engineering experiment as "grassroots" concern. Google it for yourself. They total maybe 50 people. (but wield a billion PR dollars). That's who is "concerned", not anybody else. Don't let paid PR footsoldiers claim to represent the public. They do not.
Ironically, all our local Democratic officeholders
inadvertently admit they know this to be true,
by calling for an ISA.